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Motion Replay


The Motion Replay module captures sequences of the robot’s joint positions and stores them for later retrieval. The module passively records the current joint states, enabling the concurrent recording of any physical changes to the joints. This method allows other modules to run alongside the motion replay module.


Starting the Motion Replay Node

The Motion Replay module can be started by executing the launch file:

roslaunch op3_motion_replay replay_op3.launch


Open the robot’s html page at

Navigate to the “Replay” tab from the choices at the top.


0. Recording a Motion

Click the start/stop button to begin recording.

Have the robot perform the motion you wish to record.

Click the start/stop button to end recording.


After these steps, the motion is now in local memory, ready to be used with the following operations:


1. Loading a Motion

Provide the name of the file you wish to load into the textbox and click the “Load” button to retrieve the motion from disk. Do not append the file-type into the textbox.


2. Saving a Motion

With a motion loaded in memory, type into the textbox the name you’d like to give the motion and click the “Save” button to write it to disk.


3. Playing a Motion

With a motion loaded in memory, click the “Play” button to publish the stored joints to the robot.


4. Deleting a Motion

Type the name of the file you wish to delete into the textbox and click the “Delete” button to delete the motion from disk.




Example Process

These steps will help guide you through recording a single motion from the action demo, replaying the motion, saving the motion to file, loading the file, and then finally deleting the motion.


1. Start the action demo by running the following command into the ROS prompt:

    roslaunch op3_demo demo.launch

2. In a separate ROS window, run the motion replay node:

    roslaunch op3_motion_replay replay.launch

3. On the robot’s website (, select the “Action” button on the frontpage to begin the action demo

4. Navigate to the “Replay” tab and click the “Start” button to begin recording

5. Navigate to the “Actions” tab and select an action to record.

6. Navigate back to the “Replay” tab and when the motion has finished playing click the “Start” button to stop recording. The motion is now saved in memory.

7. Click the “Play” button to view and verify the recorded motion.

8. Type a name for the motion into the textbox: (“myMotion”)

9. Click the “Save” button to save the motion to disk.

10. With the name still in the textbox, click the “Load” button to load the same motion into memory.

11. Click “Play” to verify the motion saved correctly.

12. With the name still in the textbox, click “Delete” to delete the file from memory.

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